Save The Date Video Invite: Add A Latest Trend To Your Wedding

Weddings are once in a lifetime event and that is why people aim at making it perfect and enjoyable, in every possible way. Creating a perfect and trendy wedding invitation marks as the first step to this grand event. With an array of options, here are some of the creative ways to design your wedding invites online.
If you wish to add a creative flavour to your wedding, then try the paperless option! Digital wedding cards are increasingly becoming popular. And if you are yearning to do something unconventional for your wedding, then opting for a save the date video invite would be the best fit for you. When there are plenty of innovative and creative means of designing a wedding invite, why stick to the old ways of posting a wedding card at your guests’ doorstep!
Just read on to find some cutting-edge ideas on paperless wedding invites.
Just go Digital and create your own Save The Date Video Invite…
Who said invitations are all about wordings! You can now create video-based wedding invitations. Wondering how? Just like how there are applications to transfer your pictures into an animated gif or multimedia, there are applications and professionals online to create wedding card images and videos. This allows one to create save the date video invite. Here are some tips on what you can add to your invitation videos…
Select some of your pre-wedding photos or few pictures from your engagement function, put them together and embed melodious music in the background. This will give a personalized touch to your animated wedding card.
You can make your video look quirky or funny with the help of lip-dub applications. Add some romantic songs along with some funny videos of the bride and groom.
One of the latest in the market is the stop motion video technique. There are professionals who make these videos and it would look perfectly innovative.
You can add pictures of the bride and the groom and their respective families in your save the date wedding video. You can also use some pictures from your school and college photo album or insert few pictures from your get-together events with your close friends in the video; this would mean a lot to your friends who had been a part in your life.
Save The Date Video Cards: Some tips before you click ‘Send’…
You can choose your wedding card to be informal, yet it is still important to keep in mind some points. Videos should only be short - it can be from 30seconds to 1min. Your guests may not have time to watch long videos; so make it short and crisp!
Ensure you have mentioned the venue, date and timing properly. Also, mention clearly for which event you are calling your guests. Indian weddings consist of plenty of rituals. So while creating the save the date video wedding cards clearly mention for which function you are inviting them.
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