Tungsten Powder : An Excellent Pigment For Your Paint Industry!

The miraculous applications of nano particles makes it an amazing addition to your industry. With its wide applications in almost every area, it is a must-have in every industrial sector today. Also known as the nano dots, the tungsten nano particles are well known for its high blackish spherical surface. These have diameters of 40 to 80 nm in scale.

The specific surface area ranges from 1-5 m 2 per g and this is considered as high in the scientific terms. Hence they are known to possess ultra-high purity. Any element exhibiting this surface area are used in coating and dispersing applications. So this Tungsten powder is a good coating element and whenever we hear the word coating, the immediate word that is associated with it is jewelry!

The tungsten carbide wedding rings are well known and today these can be ordered through online. If you are a jewelry maker and wish to see a new outcome in your business, then this is the right time to book for a tungsten nano powder and get it delivered to your doorstep!

From normal heating coils to chemical sensors make use of Tungsten!

The tungsten has the capacity to be in multiple forms of nano technology. They are not only used as a powder but also as nano fluids, nano whiskers, nano rods and nano pyramids.

Any nano particle that contains tungsten and other multi-metal oxides, it acts as pigments. As they become small in size than the wavelength of light, it interacts well with other particles. Therefore this is utilized in the paint industry. These portray different colors and hence in creating newer colors thre is nothing better than tungsten!

The dispersion property of tungsten make portrays an unusual emission in the electron emitters. So these are used in the making of thin film devices, laser printers, air cleaners and in nano devices that contain electrodes.


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