
Showing posts from January, 2018

Read The Interesting Story Of A Hindu Wedding Card

Hindu Wedding Card | Image Resource : A wedding is a beautiful event in the life of the two people who have decided to dedicate their lives to love each other through thick or thin, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad times. To share the laughter and the pain with each other. A wedding is a time of celebration for the soon to be wed couple as well as their respective families. For any couple marriage is a commitment, a covenant in-fact to love and cherish each other through the journey of life. To nurture and to grow together and to build a life that epitomizes their strength and their love for each other. A wedding symbolizes that promise of love and togetherness, a bond which can never be broken. No wedding can take place without inviting family and friends to share in the special day of the couple so the arrangements for the wedding starts with the choosing of the Hindu wedding card . The selection process is not an easy or c...